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What Makes Smart Thermostats So Smart?
Smart thermostats are loaded with features that make it easy to save energy and money. They eliminate confusing programming, adapt to occupants' preferred heating and cooling schedule, and can be controlled from anywhere using a smart phone.
Smart Thermostat Features
Many smart thermostats share the following features. Learn more about the specifics of each thermostat through the content below and on the associated product pages.
Learning Thermostats vs. Wi-Fi Thermostats
While all Learning Thermostats are Wi-Fi Thermostats (aka Connected Thermostats), not all Smart Thermostats are Learning Thermostats. Smart Thermostats will include the most common features, such as the ability to control from a smart phone, but more advanced Learning Thermostats will automatically apply adjustments over time based on occupants' behavior and the actual performance of the central heating/cooling equipment.
C-Wires: What is a Thermostat C-Wire?
You may have heard the term, you may have heard you may need one, but what exactly is a C-wire? C-wire stands for Common-wire, and despite its name, it is not exactly a household term (unless you are an HVAC professional). C-wires are sometimes required to ensure proper smart thermostat operation and functionality, providing the thermostat with continuous power through the wires connected to the heating/cooling equipment.
Why do some Thermostats require a C-Wire?
While conventional mechanical thermostats do not have any components requiring power, and while conventional programmable thermostats can run off replacable batteries, all smart thermostats cannot. This is because most of their cool features (Wi-Fi connectivity, self-programming, colorful touchscreen displays...) use power. Providing continuous power to the smart thermostat through a C-Wire will ensure the smart thermostat's display, internal processor, and Wi-Fi connectivity are up and running 24/7.
You may be surprised to learn that many older homes are not equipped with C-wires. To determine if your current thermostat is using one, do the following:
Missing a C-Wire? Here's What to Do.
Missing a C-wire and your smart thermostat requires one? Not all hope is lost. There are two workarounds - use an adapter or have a C-wire installed.
Option 1: Use a C-wire Adapter*If you don’t see a wire in the C-terminal, you may be able to use a C-wire adapter.* Made specifically for smart thermostats, a C-wire adapter will repurpose the existing wiring between the thermostat and the heating/cooling system to provide necessary power to the thermostat. Some thermostat models include an adapter, but if yours does not, they may be purchased separately.
Option 2: Install a C-wire*Altrnatively, a dedicated C-wire can be installed. This is typically a simple and straightforward job for a professional.
Electrical work is not for the faint of heart! If you are not completely comfortable with this process, please consult an HVAC professional for help.
*Be sure you do not have thick, black wiring connected with nuts, or wires labeled 120V or higher. This means you likely have line voltage heating, which is not compatible with most smart thermostats.
How Do Smart Thermostats Help Save?
Smart thermostats can help you lower your energy use, which saves you money and decreases your environmental impact.
According to ENERGY STAR®, a smart thermostat can reduce heating and cooling costs by about 8-20% per year (source: Actual savings may vary depending on climate, personal preferences, characteristics of the building, and local energy prices, but given that for most U.S. households over half of their energy use is for heating and cooling, these savings can be significant.
How Smart Thermostats Can Improve Your Quality of Life
Whole Home Monitoring can monitor your heating and cooling needs with simple programming, keeping your home at the optimal comfort level for your family.
Comfort & Savings: Lower energy bills means more money in your wallet to spend on things you want, not the things you need.Form AND Function: You can have both. Smart thermostats are sleek and loaded with sophisticated features.Smaller Carbon Footprint: An increasingly important goal for every indivicual and business.
Manufacturer Resources
Our product partners offer detailed product information on their websites.
Google Nest
Honeywell Home
Disclaimer: The content presented on this page was prepared by the individual(s) listed below, and does not necessarily reflect the views of the company or companies utilizing this site.
Contributors: Al Nadeau, Philip Scarbro, September 12, 2024
© 2025, AM Conservation Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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